New Cocos2d Programming Book Released
January 16, 2011

Packt Publishing has notified me that they released a cococ2d programming book.

Here’s their press announcement:

“Packt is pleased to announce Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide, a new book which helps in building fun and exciting iPhone games using the cocos2d for iPhone framework. Written by Pablo Ruiz, this book will help programmers make their first iPhone game in no time.

Cocos2d for iPhone is a robust but simple-to-use game framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications for the iPhone. Its API comes integrated with Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines. Being an open source platform, it is compatible both with closed and open source games. Over 1500 AppStore games have been built with cocos2d for iPhone.

Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide explains in detail, all the key concepts of the iPhone framework and game programming required for readers to build their very first iPhone game. Readers will learn to add animations, sounds, and particle effects to their games which will help enhance their games with a lot of cool features and eye candy while making the game behave realistically using a physics engine.

This book is filled with illustrations, diagrams, and tips for building iPhone games, with clear step-by-step instructions and practical examples. It covers basic features such as sprites, actions, menu design creation and also helps readers utilize Cocos2d for pasting labels, integrating it with Social Networks and surfing through scenes, layers and transitions.

Seasoned and beginner programmers with a desire to enter the iPhone industry, who possess some basic programming experience with Objective-C and a good understanding of OOP, will find this book to be an interesting and beneficial read. The book is out now and available from Packt. For more information please visit: –