Using FileReference, you can allow user to upload files from their computer to be used. This can be useful in applications such as photo processing applications, image manipulation applications, etc. For more information, see: Here’s the general outline of the steps required to load a file from user’s computer. Note that these steps require […]

This post continues the topic of reading and parsing RSS2 feeds which were discussed in the previous post and can be found here: Building from the example in that post, we will do the following improvements here: Cycling though posts. Enabling users to read the full post. To begin with, we added two buttons […]


This is a basic example of loading and processing RSS2 Feed in Flash. It assumes familiarity with the Flash authoring environment and basic programming, in particular, XML processing and text field. For an introduction to using XML in Flash, you are encouraged to read this post: For our example, let’s use RSS2 standard since […]

Flash Gaming Summit 2010
February 13, 2010

The second annual summit will be held in San Francisco in March.  Participants include Mochimedia, Adobe, Kongregate, Traffichoney, and Gabob.  For more details, see

Create a new Project. Make sure the Components window is open.  If not, open it using Window->Components. Drag component from the Components window into the stage.  Resize it to the size you want.  In the next step, you can decide the scaling mode of the video, such as maintainAspectRatio or noScale. Open the Parameters window.  Use […]