Paint An Easter Egg
March 23, 2011

Easter is coming so why not paint an Easter Egg (in 3D!)? You can then send e-cards to friends and family, post to the gallery, post to Facebook Wall. Go here to start.

In this example, we will use Cocos2d’s scripted animation to create a bouncing ball animation. This example assumes familiarity with setting up a simple cocos2d project.  Please review the previous guides if necessary.  The example below is based on the cocos2d example named Click And Move which came with the cocos2d package. Note: this guide […]

One of the my favorite games was Xenon 2 Megablast.  It’s a vertical-scrolling space-shooter game, the best-looking on the PC that came out in the late 80s, best looking VGA shooter at that time.   It has five (or six, can’t remember) stages , each looks completely different from the others.  The enemies are varied and […]