PHP Tic Tac Toe Game Source
May 11, 2015
Here’s the source to my Tic Tac Toe PHP game. I originally wrote this in Perl before porting it to PHP. It’s quite primitive (load a new page every time you make a move). It has a computer opponent with a decent AI, implementing Minimax (see for more) algorithm.
Download as zip (including images).
<?php /*#################################################################### # A simple tic tac toe game # by F. Permadi, # created February 1997 # (C) F. Permadi ( # Updated April 8, 2000 # Ported from Perl to PHP. ####################################################################3 # Global Settings */ // Used for iframing the app $FRAMED=isset($_GET['framed']) ? $_GET['framed']:"0"; $IMAGE_PATH="/fpcgi/tictac/"; $EXIT_FILENAME="/fpcgi/index.html"; //#$SOURCE_FILENAME="${PROG_PATH}"; $SCRIPT_FILENAME="index.php"; $NEWGAME_FILENAME=$SCRIPT_FILENAME."?framed=".$FRAMED."&do=new"; //#arbitary large number for indicating winning score $WIN_SCORE=900; // used to form links $PARAM=""; $GRID_VALUES=array(); $NEWGAME_FILENAME=$SCRIPT_FILENAME."?do=new&framed=".$FRAMED; // make sure the app is run from a valid domain $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $validServer = ""; if ($server == $validServer) { global $X_WINS, $O_WINS, $ACTION; list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); srand((float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000)); $ACTION=isset($_GET['do']) ? $_GET['do']:"new"; print_header(); if ($ACTION == "new") { #indicate that noone is winning yet $X_WINS=$O_WINS=0; create_new_game(); create_href_params(); draw_game(); print "<BR><BR>Try to win against the computer player in this web version of the popular tic-tac-toe game."; print "<br>You may move first and you know that usually that means you should be able to win in a tic-tac-toe game if you move first."; } if ($ACTION == "play") { decode_game(); check_win(); #make sure computer doesn't move if player already winds if ($O_WINS==0) { move(); } create_href_params(); check_win(); check_stalemate(); draw_game(); print "<BR><BR>Try to win against the computer player in this web version of the popular tic-tac-toe game."; } print_footer(); } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function create_new_game() { global $GRID_VALUES; #assign an empty tile for each grid for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) { $GRID_VALUES[$i]='E'; } } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function decode_game() { global $GRID_VALUES; $posParam=isset($_GET['pos']) ? $_GET['pos']:""; #decode the value on each square $pos = split(":", $posParam); for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) { $GRID_VALUES[$i]=$pos[$i]; } #determine which square is clicked and change its value $clickedRow=isset($_GET['row']) ? $_GET['row'] : 0; $clickedCol=isset($_GET['col']) ? $_GET['col'] : 0; $GRID_VALUES[$clickedRow*3+$clickedCol]='O'; } ########################################################################## # the $PARAM variable will be appended to clickable tiles so that the game knows the values of each grid. ########################################################################## function create_href_params() { global $PARAM, $GRID_VALUES, $FRAMED; $PARAM='framed='.$FRAMED.'&pos='; for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$i] == 'X') { $PARAM.='X:'; } else if ($GRID_VALUES[$i] == 'O') { $PARAM.='O:'; } else { $PARAM.='E:'; } } } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function move() { global $WIN_SCORE, $GRID_VALUES; $mustBlockRow=-1; $mustBlockCol=-1; $bestRow=-1; $bestCol=-1; $winningRow=-1; $winningCol=-1; $bestScore=-1; for ($row=0; $row<3; $row++) { for ($col=0; $col<3; $col++) { // check empty grids and see how we fare we we put a piece on it if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'E') { //see whether enemy will win or not if we don't pick this pos if (how_good($row, $col,'O','X')>=$WIN_SCORE) { $mustBlockCol=$col; $mustBlockRow=$row; $bestRow=$row; $bestCol=$col; } //how good is this position? $newScore=how_good($row, $col, 'X','O'); //echo "newScore=".$newScore; //if better than previous one, select // (also select randomly if we got a same score, so that // the computer doesn't always pick the same move) if (($bestScore<$newScore) || (($bestScore==$newScore) && rand(0,100)>50)) { $bestScore=$newScore; $bestRow=$row; $bestCol=$col; } } } } //if we have a winning position, pick it if ($bestScore>=$WIN_SCORE) { $GRID_VALUES[$bestRow*3+$bestCol]='X'; } //if we have a position that must be blocked or else the enemy will win, block it else if ($mustBlockCol!=-1) { $GRID_VALUES[$mustBlockRow*3+$mustBlockCol]='X'; } //else, pick the best move else if ($GRID_VALUES[$bestRow*3+$bestCol] == 'E') { $GRID_VALUES[$bestRow*3+$bestCol]='X'; } } ########################################################################## # Find out how good a move is ########################################################################## function how_good($row, $col, $good, $bad) { global $WIN_SCORE, $GRID_VALUES; $score=0; //check horizontal $occupied=0; $totalOccupied=0; for ($c=0; $c<3; $c++) { //straight line from this position is blocked if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$c] == $bad) { $occupied=0; $score++; break; } else { #straight line from this position is not blocked if ($c==2) { $score++; } if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$c] == $good) { $occupied++; } } } if ($occupied==2) { $totalOccupied+=$WIN_SCORE; } $totalOccupied+=$occupied; #check vertical $occupied=0; for ($r=0; $r<3; $r++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$r*3+$col] == $bad) { $occupied=0; $score++; break; } else { if ($r==2) { $score++; } if ($GRID_VALUES[$r*3+$col] == $good) { $occupied++; } } } if ($occupied==2) { $totalOccupied+=$WIN_SCORE; } $totalOccupied+=$occupied; #check diagonal left-right if ($row==$col) { $occupied=0; for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$i*3+$i] == $bad) { $occupied=0; $score++; break; } else { if ($i==2) { $score++; } if ($GRID_VALUES[$i*3+$i] == $good) { $occupied++; } } } if ($occupied==2) { $totalOccupied+=$WIN_SCORE; } } $totalOccupied+=$occupied; #check diagonal right-left if ($row==2-$col) { $occupied=0; for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$i*3+(2-$i)] == $bad) { $occupied=0; $score++; break; } else { if ($i==2) { $score++; } if ($GRID_VALUES[$i*3+(2-$i)] == $good) { $occupied++; } } } if ($occupied==2) { $totalOccupied+=$WIN_SCORE; } } $totalOccupied+=$occupied; $score+=$totalOccupied; #print "<H1>$good, r: $row, c: $col, s:$score </H1>"; return $score; } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function check_win() { global $X_WINS, $O_WINS, $GRID_VALUES; $X_WINS=0; $O_WINS=0; #check horizontals for ($row=0; $row<3; $row++) { $xOccupied=0; $oOccupied=0; for ($col=0; $col<3; $col++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'X') { $xOccupied++; } else if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'O') { $oOccupied++; } } if (check_win2($xOccupied, $oOccupied)) { return; } } #check verticals for ($col=0; $col<3; $col++) { $xOccupied=0; $oOccupied=0; for ($row=0; $row<3; $row++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'X') { $xOccupied++; } else if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'O') { $oOccupied++; } } if (check_win2($xOccupied, $oOccupied)) { return; } } #check diagonals left-right $xOccupied=0; $oOccupied=0; for ($col=0; $col<3; $col++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$col*3+$col] == 'X') { $xOccupied++; } else if ($GRID_VALUES[$col*3+$col] == 'O') { $oOccupied++; } } if (check_win2($xOccupied, $oOccupied)) { return; } #check diagonals right-left $xOccupied=0; $oOccupied=0; for ($col=0; $col<3; $col++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$col*3+(2-$col)] == 'X') { $xOccupied++; } else if ($GRID_VALUES[$col*3+(2-$col)] == 'O') { $oOccupied++; } } check_win2($xOccupied, $oOccupied); } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function check_win2($xOccupied, $oOccupied) { global $X_WINS, $O_WINS; #since this function may be called multiple times, make sure it doesn't spit out # the same messages if ($X_WINS ==1 || $O_WINS==1) { 0; } else if ($xOccupied>=3) { print "<H3 style='color:red;'>COMPUTER WINS</BLINK></H3>\n"; $X_WINS=1; } else if ($oOccupied>=3) { print "<H3 style='color:green;'>YOU WIN</BLINK></H3>\n"; $O_WINS=1; } } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function check_stalemate() { global $X_WINS, $O_WINS, $GRID_VALUES; if ($X_WINS==0 && $O_WINS==0) { #check for stalemate $stalemate=1; for ($o=0; $o<9; $o++) { if ($GRID_VALUES[$o] == 'E') { $stalemate=0; } } if ($stalemate==1) { print "<H3><BLINK>STALEMATE</BLINK></H3>"; } } } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function draw_game() { global $GRID_VALUES, $IMAGE_PATH, $SCRIPT_FILENAME, $X_WINS, $O_WINS, $PARAM; print "<P><P>"; print "<CENTER><TABLE BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\"><TR>"; for ($row=0; $row<3; $row++) { for ($col=0; $col<3; $col++) { #'action' indicates the next action to do #'moved' indicates the index of thece that is being moved #'moves' indicates the total #of moves that has been performed print "<TD NOWRAP>"; if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'E' && $X_WINS==0 && $O_WINS==0) { print "<A HREF=$SCRIPT_FILENAME?do=play&$PARAM&row=$row&col=$col>"; } print "<IMG WIDTH=\"75\" HEIGHT=\"75\" BORDER=\"1\" SRC=\"$IMAGE_PATH"; if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'O') { #image name is "o.gif" print "o"; } else if ($GRID_VALUES[$row*3+$col] == 'X') { #image name is "x.gif" print "x"; } else { #image name is "e.gif" print "e"; } print ".gif\"></A>"; } print "<TR>"; } print "</TABLE>\n"; print "<BR><BR>PLAYER IS <IMG ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE WIDTH=\"20\" HEIGHT=\"20\" SRC=\"".$IMAGE_PATH."o.gif\">\n<BR>Click a tile to move.\n"; } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function print_header() { global $FRAMED; # Print the required HTTPD Content header print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Web and Mobile Tic Tac Toe Game</TITLE>\n <meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"Web games, mobile games, WAP games, online fun, tic tac toe, tic-tac-toe\">\n <meta name=\"Description\" content=\"Tic Tac Toe for Web and Mobile\"></HEAD> \n"; if ($FRAMED=="0") { echo '<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"/style/main.css\">\n'; print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\" ALINK=\"#000088\" VLINK=\"#000088\" LINK=\"#000088\"><CENTER>\n"; } else { print "<BODY><CENTER>\n"; } if ($FRAMED=="0") { print "<p>\n <TABLE CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"35\" bordercolor=\"#000000\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BORDER=\"1\" BGCOLOR=\"#0099CC\" style='width:100%;'> <TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"> <IMG SRC=\"/fpcgi/images/header.gif\"> </TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n <H2>CGI Tic Tac Toe</H2>\n"; } } ########################################################################## ########################################################################## function print_footer() { global $NEWGAME_FILENAME, $EXIT_FILENAME, $SCRIPT_FILENAME, $FRAMED; print "<HR><BR><A CLASS=\"darklink\" HREF=\"$NEWGAME_FILENAME\">RESTART</A>\n"; print "<HR><BR><A CLASS=\"darklink\" HREF=\"/\">GET THE SOURCE (PHP)</A>\n"; # print "<BR><A CLASS=\"darklink\" HREF=\"$SCRIPT_FILENAME?do=source\">SOURCE (Perl5/Win32)</A>\n"; print "<P>This online tic tac toe game is programmed by & (C) F. Permadi"; if ($FRAMED=="0") { print "\n</TABLE>"; } print"</CENTER></BODY></HTML>\n"; }