The game of LIFE as model of artificial life illustrates that simple rules can have complex consequences:
  • If a cell has less than 2 neighboring cells, it dies of loneliness and boredom.
  • If a cell has more than 3 neighboring cells, it dies of overpopulation.
  • If an empty grid is surrounded by 3 cells, a new cell is born on that grid.

Invented by British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970; LIFE has been a frequent subject of study in computer science.
Ideally, LIFE should be played on an invinite plane, so that the lifeform can grow infinitely. Since we have no such luxury, this implementation assumes a limited 2D space which wraps around the edges.

Programmed by F. Permadi

References and other resources:
Langton, Christopher G., et al. "Artificial Life II." Redwood City, CA: Addison-Wesley. 1990.
Poundstone, William. "The Recursive Universe." New York: Morrow, 1995.