This tutorial builds upon the previous tutorial at /2010/10/html5-saving-canvas-image-data-using-php-and-ajax, with additional explanation on how to pass parameters along with the canvas data. We will demonstrate methods of saving the content of a HTML5 Canvas object using server side scripting. PHP will be used in this example, but the technique can be applied in other languages as […]

The new version of Kaleidoscope Painter has been released.  It’s at The new release has been rewritten in new technology (HTML5 and Javascript).  This means that Flash or Java plug-in is no longer required.  It should play on regular browser.  It also works on most mobile/tablet browsers, too, although for best experience, we recommend […]

This guide walks you through in getting the Facebook Credits Sample running in test mode. 1. Download the official sample code from: 2. Read the overview. 3. Copy the files into your server into a subfolder (your server must support PHP): – callback.php – index.php – xdreceiver.html 4. Create a test application. Fill out […]

If you have read my previous post about this subject here, then consider this a bug-fix or an update. Posting to user’s wall is easy enough but what about if you want an application to post, say user accomplishment (such as High Scores or user achievements) onto the application page? The process is actually straightforward. […]

 NOTE: This method appears to be broken at this time (7/28/2011). I don’t know if and what has changed on the Facebook side, it just stopped working. Will update this post if it works again. UPDATE (8/9/2011): The method has slightly changed but works again now. Please see this post for the update. Posting to […]

As explained in the previous article, you can post to user walls with or without dialog. Which method to use depends on your need. If you want user to enter a message, then you need the dialog. At other times, you might want predefined messages so why bother prompting the user? (Note that Facebook has […]

As mentioned in the previous post (, you can post feed with or without a dialog with the main difference being the obvious one that user cannot edit the message being posted without a dialog. By the way, Facebook has some policies of what kind of message you can put in the message field, read […]

You can try the example for this guide at: Background The normal way to open the OAUTH dialog is as described here, by calling:; You can open the dialog in the same window, like this: top.location = ‘’; More details can be read here. The normal route if you want to show the […]

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Google MAP API version 3 to find a location and puts a marker on the MAP. For information about setting up the map, see here: /blog/2011/04/using-google-map-api-3-for-javascript-beginner-how-to-and-example/.     New to Version 3 of the API is the Geolocation service, which enables you to retrieve the location information (including longitude […]


If you have set user your user name via the Account Setting, it can be very hard to find your numeric user id. In fact, it’s annoyingly hard. I don’t know why this information is not somewhere obvious, like in your Account Setting section. Why can’t they put it there? It’s not like the user […]

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