Dashcode is another tool that comes with Apple iPhone SDK.  It allows you to create simple applications.  You can read an introduction to Apple’s Dashcode here.  In this tutorial, we will demonstrate interactivity and animation.  Familiarity with JavaScript and CSS is assumed. Our example will be a framework for a space-invader type game.  There will […]

Having good references could save programmers a lot of time, so as a newcomer to Xcode, I want to share these tips.  Note: I am using Xcode 3.1.2 Searching SDK/API on The Developer Documentation You can search the documentation using the search field on the right side project windows (see picture below), not the search […]

In this example, we will use Cocos2d’s scripted animation to create a bouncing ball animation. This example assumes familiarity with setting up a simple cocos2d project.  Please review the previous guides if necessary.  The example below is based on the cocos2d example named Click And Move which came with the cocos2d package. Note: this guide […]

Here are some links to get started with iPhone game programming: Brandon Trebitowsky at http://icodeblog.com/ has nice tutorials on Game Programming using the UIImage.  Following the first two-parts of the tutorial, you can build a nice pong-like game.  He also has sections for iPhone general programming, in case you’re interested in that sort of thing […]

John Carmack of Wolfenstein fame has released an iPhone port of the ground-breaking game.  Read his note and insight into iPhone game-development at: http://www.idsoftware.com/wolfenstein3dclassic/wolfdevelopment.htm Source code download link: ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/wolf3d/wolf3d_iphone_v1.0_src.zip Apple Store link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=309470478&mt=8 Note: screen-shots taken from Apple’s AppStore.