Using UIWebView is an efficient way to make an About screen, Help screen, or other sort of hard to layout. Consider how easy it is to lay out your ‘page’ in html, instead of having to build it using Interface Builder. You can even use JavaScript and add interactivity if you want. You can even […]

Cocos2d has always been a popular choice for iPhone game development.  Now there’s now cocos2d-x (, a spinoff initiated by Walzer Wang. cocos2d-x is a cross platform version of cocos2d that produces iOS and Android app (plus Windows executable output as bonus if you like).  Cocos2d-x accomplishes the cross-platformness by using native C/C++ code.  This […]

ARC is a good idea; however it may cause issues when using old libraries or if you have some code which use it and some which don’t. You might also accidentally clicked on it when creating the project and decide, no, I don’t really want it. ARC is not a bad idea, but it will […]

UISlider can be skinned to produce output like these: There are three sections that you can change: The bar portion on the left side of the thumb, using setMinimumTrackImage:UIImage The bar portion on the right side of the thumb, using setMaximumTrackImage:UIImage The thumb, using setThumbImage:UIImage For the UIImage, you will most likely need to stretch […]

One of the challenges faced when developing applicationf for the iPhone and iPad is the memory limitation.  These devices understandably have much less memory than a computer, so careful memory consumption is essential. cocos2d version introduces several improvements, and one of them is the ability to select the color-depth for sprites.  This is a good […]

If you are getting this kind of error when compiling with Cocos2d for iPhone, then see the solution below. Line Location Tool:0: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Line Location Tool:0: symbol(s) not found Line Location Tool:0: -[Texture2D(PVRTC) initWithPVRTCData:level:bpp:hasAlpha:length:] in Texture2D.o Line Location Tool:0: -[Texture2D initWithData:pixelFormat:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:contentSize:] in Texture2D.o Line Location Tool:0: -[EAGLView _createSurface] in EAGLView.o […]

Here are some issues that may happen when upgrading from Cocos2d version 0.71 to 073 (make sure to back-up your project before making changes as these are based on experience and may not work for you): The screen might turn blank (depending on how you configure your application). Possible solution: Remove MainWindow.xib from the project. […]

Using iPhone SDK 2.1.   Background User Preferences are data and settings that are saved by your application.  The iPhone OS has a mechanism that enables an application to “associate” its settings with the default iPhone user interface.  You can access applications settings by selecting the Settings icon in the main iPhone screen.  Try it […]

Having good references could save programmers a lot of time, so as a newcomer to Xcode, I want to share these tips.  Note: I am using Xcode 3.1.2 Searching SDK/API on The Developer Documentation You can search the documentation using the search field on the right side project windows (see picture below), not the search […]