Using iPhone SDK 2.1.   Background User Preferences are data and settings that are saved by your application.  The iPhone OS has a mechanism that enables an application to “associate” its settings with the default iPhone user interface.  You can access applications settings by selecting the Settings icon in the main iPhone screen.  Try it […]

This tutorial assumes basic familiarity with Cocos2d on iPhone.  For Cocos2d introduction, please see this install guide, and Hello World guide.  This tutorial covers Cocos2d version 0.7.1. Introduction Transitions are effects such as: wipe, fade, zoom, and split.  You can use transitions to switch between Cocos2d Scene objects.  Scene class is derived from CocosNode and […]

When using the Director on Cocos2d and you have a Scene object in the window, your program will not receive touch events. So, your UIApplicationDelegate implementation will not receive touchesBegan notification. You can override this behavior by   1) implementing the TouchEventsDelegate protocol, which has the following specification: 2) Associate the event handler with the […]

Having good references could save programmers a lot of time, so as a newcomer to Xcode, I want to share these tips.  Note: I am using Xcode 3.1.2 Searching SDK/API on The Developer Documentation You can search the documentation using the search field on the right side project windows (see picture below), not the search […]

Continuing from Part 1, this part will demonstrate the followings: * Loading image dynamically using UIImageView * Using array Step 1 Open the Ball project created in Part1. Step 2 Import another image into the Resources Group (you can use the same image as previously, but it won’t be as much fun). Step 3 We […]

There are what will be demonstrated: * Using Transformation. * Using UIImageView. * Using interval for animation. * Associating image with objects. * Deriving a class from UIImageView. Step 1 Create a New Project. Select iPhone OS Application -> View-Based Application. Name it Ball. Step 2 Import an image into the Resources Group.  If you […]

In this example, we will use Cocos2d’s scripted animation to create a bouncing ball animation. This example assumes familiarity with setting up a simple cocos2d project.  Please review the previous guides if necessary.  The example below is based on the cocos2d example named Click And Move which came with the cocos2d package. Note: this guide […]

Here are some links to get started with iPhone game programming: Brandon Trebitowsky at has nice tutorials on Game Programming using the UIImage.  Following the first two-parts of the tutorial, you can build a nice pong-like game.  He also has sections for iPhone general programming, in case you’re interested in that sort of thing […]