Background This is a quick walk trough on how to use ANE (AIR Native Extension) in Flash Professional CS5.5. I assume you know what ANE is, but if you want, you can read Abode’s overview here ANE it basically a method to call native code from within Adobe AIR applications. To use Native Extension, […]

Background Captive Runtime is introduced in AIR 3.0 and it allows the AIR runtime to be packaged with your APK so that when user starts the Android version of your application, the user is no longer required to download and install the AIR runtime (this happens if the user does not already have the same […]

This is intended as a beginner How To guide to create an Android application with Adobe AIR platform. The resulting application is akin of a Hello World application that doesn’t do much. Frankly the basic of writing an Android AIR app is quite straightforward and there’s not much to mention here beyond the basic. Consider […]

Here’s a small class that does string substitution, inspired by printf function in C. You can pass an Object into the function and it will search and replace the content of stringwith values of the objects. Parameters: stringFormat is a String object that you want to fill with replacements. substituteData is an Object containing the […]

This is an example application that allows you to save images from Flash into user’s hard drive. It requires Flash player 10 to work. This example is written in Flash CS4 but should work in CS5. The same technique can also be adapted to use in Flex 3.3 and newer. You need to target Flash […]

Here’s the example files for /tutorial/as3-save-photo-to-facebook-album/ Remember to change the APP_ID with your own APP_ID in order to make it work on your server domain (i.e.: the APP_ID in the FLA and client_id in the index.php).  You can rename the index.php to index.html if you are not using php. The example is written in Flash […]

Flash Gaming Summit returns in February 27 to San Francisco.   If you plan to attend or nominate, you can register on the event site This yearly summit is organized by MochiMedia.

Using modules enhances scalability (i.e.: your application code does not have to reside in one swf, which quite possibly will grow very large as features are being added).  In this tutorial, we explores how to create and load a Module in a Flex Builder Action Script project. Create an Example Project Create a new Action […]

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