iPhone likes CAF (Core Audio Format), but how do you create or convert to a CAF file? 1) Use the afconvert tool from Apple. This is a command line application that you need to run from the shell prompt. Example: Documentation: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/afconvert.1.html To batch multiple files, I have found it useful to write a batch […]

LocalConnection enables two or more Flash files to communicate with each other. You can also use other methods, such as SharedObject, but the benefit of LocalConnection is the real-time nature of LocalConnection. For more information, click Adobe documentation here. For an introduction to LocalConnection, please see this article which explains how to set up a […]


Building from Part 1, 2, and 3, we’re now ready to create a canvas overlay that sits above a html page, and where user can draw on.  Here are the steps that we will use: Step 1: Create the canvas. Step 2: Create a function that draws on the canvas based on the mouse position. […]

Showing A Page Element Sometimes Only I am facing a situation where when an user opens and ad, I wanted to show an interstitial advertisement sometimes, but not all the times, say only 50 percent of the time.   This is actually quite easy to do, but you should at least know PHP and be comfortable […]

There are what will be demonstrated: * Using Transformation. * Using UIImageView. * Using interval for animation. * Associating image with objects. * Deriving a class from UIImageView. Step 1 Create a New Project. Select iPhone OS Application -> View-Based Application. Name it Ball. Step 2 Import an image into the Resources Group.  If you […]

In this example, we will use Cocos2d’s scripted animation to create a bouncing ball animation. This example assumes familiarity with setting up a simple cocos2d project.  Please review the previous guides if necessary.  The example below is based on the cocos2d example named Click And Move which came with the cocos2d package. Note: this guide […]

Here are some links to get started with iPhone game programming: Brandon Trebitowsky at http://icodeblog.com/ has nice tutorials on Game Programming using the UIImage.  Following the first two-parts of the tutorial, you can build a nice pong-like game.  He also has sections for iPhone general programming, in case you’re interested in that sort of thing […]

For your reference, here’s Part 1 and Part 2. If the example doesn’t work, it was because Part 1 and 2 uses the same variables. Open this guide as a separate page to fix it. Also remember that you need a browser that supports Canvas, such as Firefox 3. Before you start drawing lines, you […]

We learned how to create Canvas objects in Part 1, and we also learned how to draw a simple shape on Part 1. You need a browser that support Canvas such as Firefox 3 to run the examples.   Now it’s time to show how to crate a canvas that “overlays” your web-page. By overlay, […]

LocalConnection enables two or more Flash files to communicate with each other.  You can also use other methods, such as SharedObject, but the benefit of LocalConnection is the real-time nature of LocalConnection. For more information, click Adobe documentation here.  You can also use LocalConnection if you need to communicate with an ActionScript 2 Flash files. […]

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