Setting Icons for Your Web Site For Bookmarks and Favorites This tutorial is tested with Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, and Opera 9.2 on Windows XP. Setting Icons for Your Site Icons are used for Bookmarks (or Favorites in Internet Explorer) and appear in the browser’s address bar. The standard icons look like these: Firefox: […]

Definition Client-Pull refers to a technique that enables a browser/client to request (or “pull”) data from the server automatically without the user-intervention. The key property here is “without user-intervention.”  If not for  this attribute, then the term is meaningless because it will be no different than when an user enters an URL to request a […]

   What are these HTTP protocol status codes? Whenever a browser request data from a web server, the server must respond with a number.  The number indicates the status of the request (whether it has failed or successful, etc).  The number is taken from a set of codes called the HTTP protocol status codes.  HTTP […]

Tip 1: How to make some text links appear in different color from what is defined in BODY tag. The trick is to put the <FONT COLOR> tags inside the <A> tags like below: <A HREF=”link.html”><FONT COLOR=”#FF00FF”>Link</FONT></A> If you have the <FONT COLOR> tags outside the <A> tag (such as below), then it will not […]

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange.  The purpose of ASCII is to create a standard for character-sets used in electronic equipments.  The standard ensures that different devices (which might be manufactured by differing companies) can communicate to each other with the same character-code.  With this kind of standardization, programmers and computer manufactures […]

Usage: <body background=”imageFileName”> For example: <body text=“#000000” bgcolor=“#CCCCCC” link=“#FF0000” vlink=“#FF0000”alink=“#FF0000” background=“bgrImage.jpg”> Where image can be a GIF or a JPG image.  Newer browsers also supports PNG images. Using tiled-background-image was a popular rage not so long ago, when the web was new. Arguably, it makes the web more interesting… but often, it could also make […]

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