There are built in library to do RSS Feeds, but won’t it be nice to build our own and be able to customize the output.  PHP 5 or later is needed for this method because it uses SimpleXML. Below are some useful links that we use in this tutorial. SimpleXML overview and example: SimpleXML […]

There are several method to parse XML data using PHP, one of them is using SimpleXML. SimpeXML requires PHP 5 or better but is one of the easiest way to parse XML in PHP, you can use object notation to refer to nodes. The SimpleXML API documentation is here: Example 1 Here we show […]

There are times when you might want to capture the screen for demonstration or tutorial purposes.  The easiest way is using the ddms application included in the Android SDK (  This example is using Android SDK 2. Connect your phone with the computer Goto the folder where the Android SDK is, (and under tools folder) […]

As web developers, it is crucial to test on various browsers. A common problem is testing multiple Internet Explorer versions on the same Windows system, since Internet Explorer overwrites previous version during upgrade.  Follow this links that explains how to install multiple versions: There is also a free software named IETester, from […]

Using iPhone SDK 2.1.   Background User Preferences are data and settings that are saved by your application.  The iPhone OS has a mechanism that enables an application to “associate” its settings with the default iPhone user interface.  You can access applications settings by selecting the Settings icon in the main iPhone screen.  Try it […]

If you use WordPress (I am using 2.7), you may have experienced the WordPress formatting quirks and annoyances.  It is annoying it is to include JavaScript or Flash into WordPress posts. The code you entered kept getting reformatted, even when using html editing mode. Plus, when using the build-in uploader, the Javascript and SWF filenames […]

In this tutorial, we will continue building a simple space-invader type game. We will be continuing from the tutorial presented in Part1 at; however, we are making some major changes, and I’ll explain why. The first change has to do with restructuring the CSS code so that most of the objects within the game […]

Create a new Project. Make sure the Components window is open.  If not, open it using Window->Components. Drag component from the Components window into the stage.  Resize it to the size you want.  In the next step, you can decide the scaling mode of the video, such as maintainAspectRatio or noScale. Open the Parameters window.  Use […]

Dashcode is another tool that comes with Apple iPhone SDK.  It allows you to create simple applications.  You can read an introduction to Apple’s Dashcode here.  In this tutorial, we will demonstrate interactivity and animation.  Familiarity with JavaScript and CSS is assumed. Our example will be a framework for a space-invader type game.  There will […]

iPhone likes CAF (Core Audio Format), but how do you create or convert to a CAF file? 1) Use the afconvert tool from Apple. This is a command line application that you need to run from the shell prompt. Example: Documentation: To batch multiple files, I have found it useful to write a batch […]