There have been some questions about whether you need to be a paid developer to get the SDK. The answer is no, at least at the time I wrote this, there’s still a non-fee option to register.  Refere to this post,, for more information. Note: Registering as a Free Developer enables you to download […]

Xcode Tips
June 9, 2009

More tips can be found in this other post: Creating Classes Diagram There’s a handy feature to create class diagrams in Xcode, using Class Model feature.  To create a diagram for the whole project, select the project name in the Group & Files panel. Then select Menu->Design->Quick Model->Class Model.  You will be asked to […]

Using iPhone SDK 2.1.   Background User Preferences are data and settings that are saved by your application.  The iPhone OS has a mechanism that enables an application to “associate” its settings with the default iPhone user interface.  You can access applications settings by selecting the Settings icon in the main iPhone screen.  Try it […]

This tutorial assumes basic familiarity with Cocos2d on iPhone.  For Cocos2d introduction, please see this install guide, and Hello World guide.  This tutorial covers Cocos2d version 0.7.1. Introduction Transitions are effects such as: wipe, fade, zoom, and split.  You can use transitions to switch between Cocos2d Scene objects.  Scene class is derived from CocosNode and […]

When using the Director on Cocos2d and you have a Scene object in the window, your program will not receive touch events. So, your UIApplicationDelegate implementation will not receive touchesBegan notification. You can override this behavior by   1) implementing the TouchEventsDelegate protocol, which has the following specification: /**Touch event delegate * return YES if […]

In this tutorial, we will continue building a simple space-invader type game. We will be continuing from the tutorial presented in Part1 at; however, we are making some major changes, and I’ll explain why. The first change has to do with restructuring the CSS code so that most of the objects within the game […]

Dashcode is another tool that comes with Apple iPhone SDK.  It allows you to create simple applications.  You can read an introduction to Apple’s Dashcode here.  In this tutorial, we will demonstrate interactivity and animation.  Familiarity with JavaScript and CSS is assumed. Our example will be a framework for a space-invader type game.  There will […]

Included in the iPhone SDK is another “application-builder” named Dashcode.  If you have the iPhone SDK installed (and the iPhone SDK is the only way to get Dashcode as far as I know), then you can find Dashcode at Developers::Applications folder. The icon looks like this: Dashcode was originally a tool for developing Widgets, is […]

Random Tech Posts
May 16, 2009

Running Mac OS X Leopard on Netbooks (Mini Laptops). Yes, I know it can be done but I wasn’t brave enough to try it.  Mac OS was built to handle some set of hardware, which Apple know for sure are on their Macs.   And when Mac OS is run on a machine where it’s not […]