Building from Part 1, 2, and 3, we’re now ready to create a canvas overlay that sits above a html page, and where user can draw on.  Here are the steps that we will use: Step 1: Create the canvas. Step 2: Create a function that draws on the canvas based on the mouse position. […]

There are what will be demonstrated: * Using Transformation. * Using UIImageView. * Using interval for animation. * Associating image with objects. * Deriving a class from UIImageView. Step 1 Create a New Project. Select iPhone OS Application -> View-Based Application. Name it Ball. Step 2 Import an image into the Resources Group.  If you […]

For your reference, here’s Part 1 and Part 2. If the example doesn’t work, it was because Part 1 and 2 uses the same variables. Open this guide as a separate page to fix it. Also remember that you need a browser that supports Canvas, such as Firefox 3. Before you start drawing lines, you […]

We learned how to create Canvas objects in Part 1, and we also learned how to draw a simple shape on Part 1. You need a browser that support Canvas such as Firefox 3 to run the examples.   Now it’s time to show how to crate a canvas that “overlays” your web-page. By overlay, […]

LocalConnection enables two or more Flash files to communicate with each other.  You can also use other methods, such as SharedObject, but the benefit of LocalConnection is the real-time nature of LocalConnection. For more information, click Adobe documentation here.  You can also use LocalConnection if you need to communicate with an ActionScript 2 Flash files. […]

This is a guide of how to use HTML 5 Canvas, as well as some JavaScript/css tricks to enable drawing on top of a web page. To see the result of this tutorial, open Canvas introduction is covered here and here. You need a browser that support Canvas such as Firefox 3 to run […]


Here’s a silly demo I made with HTML 5 Canvas object. You need a browser that supports Canvas such as Firefox 3. Warning: you will need to use the browser’s Back button to navigate away from the page. See the tutorial.

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