INTRODUCTION Making the text-glow is generally easy to do.  The key is to use the Soften Edges feature in Flash. In Flash 4, this command is available in Modify->Curves. In Flash 5, this command is available in Modify->Shape. There are some pitfalls, though.  For example, sometime the program will have a hard time figuring out […]

STEP 1 Open an image.  Here’s my sample… a dog.  You need to make sure that the image is on RGB mode, and not indexed color image (gif files are indexed).  If it’s indexed, then convert it to RGB (Image>>Mode>>RGB Color). STEP 2 Do Filter>>Sharpen More on the image.  STEP 3 Do Filter>>Sharpen More again […]

STEP 1 Create a new Document, 200×200 pixels, RGB color.  Fill the image with 50% gray (do Edit : Fill : 50% Gray).  The size doesn’t really matter, that size is used for the sake of this tutorial. STEP 2 Filter:Noise:AddNoise. Use: Gaussian Monochomatic Amount of 50 STEP 3 Filter:Noise:DustAndScratches. Use: Radius of 1 pixel […]

STEP 1 Create a new Document, 200×200 pixels, RGB color, set background to any color.  (The size doesn’t really matter, I selected that size just for the sake of this tutorial.) STEP 2 Do Filter->Noise->AddNoise.  Use Gaussian, Max Amount, non Monochomatic. STEP 3 Do Image->Adjust->Hue/Saturation. Make sure Colorize is selected.  Set Hue to -149, Saturation […]

STEP 1 Create a new document with the following setting: RGB color, White background.  For this tutorial purpose, I created a 150×150 pixels, 72 dpi image. STEP 2 Use the Rectangle Selection tool to make a selection rectangle which covers the whole bottom half of the canvas. STEP 3 Click the Gradient Fill tool in […]

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange.  The purpose of ASCII is to create a standard for character-sets used in electronic equipments.  The standard ensures that different devices (which might be manufactured by differing companies) can communicate to each other with the same character-code.  With this kind of standardization, programmers and computer manufactures […]

These tips are written for Flash 4 and 5, however, they may apply to newer versions. 1. ABOUT FRAME RATE 2. REMOVING FLASH RIGHT CLICK MENU (POSSIBLE?) 3. LAUNCHING E-MAIL PROGRAM FROM FLASH 4. DYNAMIC TEXT VS INPUT TEXT     ABOUT FRAME RATE fps stands for frames-per-second.  Frame rate determines how fast a movie will […]

These tips are written for Flash 4, however, they may apply to newer versions. 1. CREATING OUTLINED TEXT 2. PRINTING A STORYBOARD 3. WHAT IS THE <!– text used in the movie–> TAG FOR 4. TINTING IMPORTED IMAGES   CREATING OUTLINED TEXT Example: Steps to create: Type the text (use large bold font – I […]