This tutorial assumes basic familiarity with Cocos2d on iPhone.  For Cocos2d introduction, please see this install guide, and Hello World guide.  This tutorial covers Cocos2d version 0.7.1. Introduction Transitions are effects such as: wipe, fade, zoom, and split.  You can use transitions to switch between Cocos2d Scene objects.  Scene class is derived from CocosNode and […]

In this tutorial, we will continue building a simple space-invader type game. We will be continuing from the tutorial presented in Part1 at; however, we are making some major changes, and I’ll explain why. The first change has to do with restructuring the CSS code so that most of the objects within the game […]

Dashcode is another tool that comes with Apple iPhone SDK.  It allows you to create simple applications.  You can read an introduction to Apple’s Dashcode here.  In this tutorial, we will demonstrate interactivity and animation.  Familiarity with JavaScript and CSS is assumed. Our example will be a framework for a space-invader type game.  There will […]

Random Tech Posts
May 16, 2009

Running Mac OS X Leopard on Netbooks (Mini Laptops). Yes, I know it can be done but I wasn’t brave enough to try it.  Mac OS was built to handle some set of hardware, which Apple know for sure are on their Macs.   And when Mac OS is run on a machine where it’s not […]


Dell is trying to compete in the thin-notebook market.  The slick, silvery (also in onyx), aluminum shell Adamo looks more like a MacBook than a MacBook Air though.  Scoop over and take a look at the slick Adamo site, pictured below, at It has 13.4 inch monitor, back-lit keyboard, 16.4 mm profile.  I have […]

Having good references could save programmers a lot of time, so as a newcomer to Xcode, I want to share these tips.  Note: I am using Xcode 3.1.2 Searching SDK/API on The Developer Documentation You can search the documentation using the search field on the right side project windows (see picture below), not the search […]

Continuing from Part 1, this part will demonstrate the followings: * Loading image dynamically using UIImageView * Using array Step 1 Open the Ball project created in Part1. Step 2 Import another image into the Resources Group (you can use the same image as previously, but it won’t be as much fun). Step 3 We […]

iPhone likes CAF (Core Audio Format), but how do you create or convert to a CAF file? 1) Use the afconvert tool from Apple. This is a command line application that you need to run from the shell prompt. Example: Documentation: To batch multiple files, I have found it useful to write a batch […]

It has been almost a month since Asus announced that they’re coming out with DVD-drive equipped Netbook; the 1004DN shown below.  Read the announcement from Asus. I still can’t find it being sold anywhere.  When it is coming?  Meanwhile, you can read the review of 1004DN at Liliputing. If you can’t wait and live in […]

One of the my favorite games was Xenon 2 Megablast.  It’s a vertical-scrolling space-shooter game, the best-looking on the PC that came out in the late 80s, best looking VGA shooter at that time.   It has five (or six, can’t remember) stages , each looks completely different from the others.  The enemies are varied and […]

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