The latest Facebook API, dubbed Open Graph API , is a powerful replacement to the old API. However, the documentation (in particular regarding authentication) is not very clear. Hopefully this will help you get up to speed with what it takes to authenticate users. This tutorial assumes that you have already setup your application on […]

This is a general outline of how to utilize HTML5 Canvas to do animation using the traditional cell-animations, aka: image-strips. Here’s the image that I am using for this example; as you can see, it consists of 8 frames of equal width. It’s an animation of someone walking, shows in a top-down view. To draw […]

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate methods of saving the content of a HTML5 Canvas object using server side scripting. PHP will be used in this example, but the technique can be applied in other languages as well. This post requires understanding of Javascript, HTML (especially forms and/or AJAX). PHP is used in the example […]

Chrome is shaping up to be the best browser around.  It’s fast and it is developer-friendly, with its own Firebug-like tools.  Under View->Developer->Developer Tools you can find the goodie. See below for screenshot. The Element inspector can be accessed with the Magnfying Glass icon on the bottom, and then you can hover your mouse to […]

Continuing from: Base class for the objects in the game. Let’s consider what objects will be in our game. I can think of three-types: Player ship Enemy ship Bullet These objects have in commons these charateristics: They all have positions. They all can move (needs speed variable). Let’s call the base class GameObject from […]

Here are some samples and brief explanation of HTML5 Canvas text related functions. A HTML5 compliant browser (such as Firefox 3.5) is required in order for the examples to work. Basic Text   Use strokeText or fillText, both takes x, y and maximumWidth. The colors are determined by the fillStyle and strokeStyle <script language=”JavaScript”> function […]

As web developers, it is crucial to test on various browsers. A common problem is testing multiple Internet Explorer versions on the same Windows system, since Internet Explorer overwrites previous version during upgrade.  Follow this links that explains how to install multiple versions: There is also a free software named IETester, from […]

If you use WordPress (I am using 2.7), you may have experienced the WordPress formatting quirks and annoyances.  It is annoying it is to include JavaScript or Flash into WordPress posts. The code you entered kept getting reformatted, even when using html editing mode. Plus, when using the build-in uploader, the Javascript and SWF filenames […]

In this tutorial, we will continue building a simple space-invader type game. We will be continuing from the tutorial presented in Part1 at; however, we are making some major changes, and I’ll explain why. The first change has to do with restructuring the CSS code so that most of the objects within the game […]

Dashcode is another tool that comes with Apple iPhone SDK.  It allows you to create simple applications.  You can read an introduction to Apple’s Dashcode here.  In this tutorial, we will demonstrate interactivity and animation.  Familiarity with JavaScript and CSS is assumed. Our example will be a framework for a space-invader type game.  There will […]