This tutorial builds upon the previous tutorial at /2010/10/html5-saving-canvas-image-data-using-php-and-ajax, with additional explanation on how to pass parameters along with the canvas data. We will demonstrate methods of saving the content of a HTML5 Canvas object using server side scripting. PHP will be used in this example, but the technique can be applied in other languages as […]

We’ve just release a free asset on the Unity Asset Store. If you use Unity3D, definitely check this out:  Unity version 5.3.0 or newer required. The asset contains stylized 2 models/prefabs of 3D spaceships that can be used on 2D or 3D games. In addition to the models, the asset package comes with two demo of space […]

Background This is a quick walk trough on how to use ANE (AIR Native Extension) in Flash Professional CS5.5. I assume you know what ANE is, but if you want, you can read Abode’s overview here ANE it basically a method to call native code from within Adobe AIR applications. To use Native Extension, […]

Using UIWebView is an efficient way to make an About screen, Help screen, or other sort of hard to layout. Consider how easy it is to lay out your ‘page’ in html, instead of having to build it using Interface Builder. You can even use JavaScript and add interactivity if you want. You can even […]

Cocos2d has always been a popular choice for iPhone game development.  Now there’s now cocos2d-x (, a spinoff initiated by Walzer Wang. cocos2d-x is a cross platform version of cocos2d that produces iOS and Android app (plus Windows executable output as bonus if you like).  Cocos2d-x accomplishes the cross-platformness by using native C/C++ code.  This […]

ARC is a good idea; however it may cause issues when using old libraries or if you have some code which use it and some which don’t. You might also accidentally clicked on it when creating the project and decide, no, I don’t really want it. ARC is not a bad idea, but it will […]

iOS 5 introduces something interesting, which is some sort of Facial Detection capability. Right now it only detects the position of eyes and mouth but expect it to have more in future iOS versions. First, the requirements: Compile with iOS SDK version 5 or later You need to include CoreImage.framework into your project. Your build […]

UISlider can be skinned to produce output like these: There are three sections that you can change: The bar portion on the left side of the thumb, using setMinimumTrackImage:UIImage The bar portion on the right side of the thumb, using setMaximumTrackImage:UIImage The thumb, using setThumbImage:UIImage For the UIImage, you will most likely need to stretch […]

Packt Publishing has notified me that they released a cococ2d programming book. Here’s their press announcement: “Packt is pleased to announce Cocos2d for iPhone 0.99 Beginner’s Guide, a new book which helps in building fun and exciting iPhone games using the cocos2d for iPhone framework. Written by Pablo Ruiz, this book will help programmers make […]

Continuing from: Base class for the objects in the game. Let’s consider what objects will be in our game. I can think of three-types: Player ship Enemy ship Bullet These objects have in commons these charateristics: They all have positions. They all can move (needs speed variable). Let’s call the base class GameObject from […]

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